Model question papers will be available on website itself

  •  MP Board starts preparations for 10-12th board exam
  •  Model question papers will be ready by the end of November
  •  10th exam will be held from 27 February between 09 am to 12 noon
  •  12th exam will be held from 25 February to 25 March

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
MP Education Board has started preparations for class 10-12th board exams. These exams will be held between February-March. The possible schedule for this was already released. Earlier, pre-board exams will be held between December-January. For the convenience of students, model question papers will be prepared by the end of this month and uploaded on the website.

According to MP Board officials, the main exam of 10th board will be held between 27 February and 19 March. In this, the paper of Hindi subject will be held first and the paper of Science will be held at the end. The 10th exam will be held between 09 am to 12 noon, while the 12th exam will run from 25 February to 25 March. It is estimated that this time more than 18 lakh students will appear in it. The board said that students who choose basic mathematics in class 10 and want to continue studying mathematics in 11 will have to pass the supplementary examination. Students will have to pass the supplementary examination conducted by the board by choosing standard mathematics.

Same questions but different sequence According to the officials, by the end of November, the papers of all the subjects of these two classes will be ready. Under this, 4 sets of each subject will be made. The pattern of all will be completely different this time, because the questions in all the sets will be the same but to prevent cheating, their sequence will be completely different. The special thing is that this time also the MP Board will prepare model papers and it will be uploaded on the official website of the board. With the help of these papers, it will be easy to understand the pattern of papers in board exams.


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