India is making world healthy through AYUSH

Global AYUSH Summit organized

Bhopal: Alternative medical systems like homeopathy, Ayurveda, yoga and naturopathy have played an important role in dealing with the corona virus which has devastated the entire world. That is why now they are being called collaborative or parallel medical methods instead of alternative. The Ministry of AYUSH promotes these medical systems. Through these, India is providing the boon of health to the entire world. This was said by Dr. A.K., member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Central Homeopathic Research Council, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India and senior homeopathic doctor. Dwivedi said this at the Global AYUSH Doctors Conclave organized on the topic “Global Leadership through AYUSH Medical Systems” in Panchmarhi.

In a three-day conference organized by Sanjeevani Welfare Society, he said that we will soon reach the remote areas of Madhya Pradesh and make every possible effort to cure the patients suffering from serious diseases like aplastic anemia, sickle cell and thalassemia. The best thing is that now the youth of the country have started trusting the old medical systems of India. Therefore, I can say with certainty that in the future, India will lead the world in the direction of health awareness, wellness and disease relief through AYUSH system of medicine.

Mission Healthy India was started a decade ago

According to the organizers, “Sanjeevani Welfare Society”, a self-financed organization registered by the Government of India, had started the operation of the project “Mission Healthy India” about a decade ago. Through which, not only complete health benefits including health awareness, medical consultation, medicines, measures to prevent diseases and other facilities are being provided to the patients in deprived areas through accessible, affordable and safe AYUSH medical system, but also the AYUSH medical system is being promoted. – Propagation is also being done. On this occasion, subject experts who have been providing long service in this field were also honored with international honors (Ayush Ratna, AYUSH Legend and National AYUSH Gaurav Samman).

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