As part of its endeavor to spread investor awareness, SEBI, in association with NISM, BSE, NSE, MCX, NCDEX, CDSL, NSDL and AMFI has set up a pavilion ‘BHARAT KAA SHARE BAZAAR’ (7th Edition) in the 43rd India International Trade Fair (IITF), 2024 (14-27 November 2024). The pavilion was inaugurated by Shri Kamlesh C. Varshney, Whole Time Member, SEBI.
SEBI is actively engaged in spreading awareness through physical programs (43,826 awareness programmes were conducted in FY 2023-24); on the digital front, the digital content created on various aspects of the securities market is disseminated by SEBI and Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs). SEBI Investor website offers video learning modules, tools like financial calculators and financial health check. SEBI has also launched the SAARTHI mobile app and NISM has launched a free certification course for investors. Towards grievance redressal and dispute resolution, two major initiatives i.e. SCORES 2.0 and SMART ODR (Online Dispute Resolution System) have also been introduced.
In the area of developmental initiatives, transformational changes in the Indian securities market have taken place. The Indian Securities market was one of the first in the world to move to a T+1 settlement cycle. Technology has facilitated lowering of risk and easier access through initiatives like e-KYC, ASBA for IPOs, Online Bond Platforms and single window platforms for Mutual Funds.