Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav will inaugurate the grand Tiranga Yatra being taken out from Subhash ROB in Narela Assembly on Monday, August 12 at 9 am. During this, Cooperation, Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Shri Vishwas Kailash Sarang will also be present.
People of all communities will welcome the Tiranga Yatra by showering flowers from 101 stage on the prescribed route. Digital certificates will also be provided to those who register online to join the Tiranga Yatra.
Minister Shri Sarang said that the Tiranga Yatra will depart from Subhash Nagar and will go to the main railway station via various routes. Every section of the society will be present to welcome the Yatra on the welcome platforms built on the Yatra route.
Sarang said that Vivek Sagar, midfielder of the Indian hockey team, who won bronze medal twice in the Olympics, and Aishwary Pratap Singh, two-time Olympian in shooting and Arjun Awardee, will be specially present in the Tiranga Yatra.