Washington, Aug 25 (UNI) After Telegram founder Pavel Durov was detained in France, US entrepreneur Elon Musk said ironically that by 2030, Europe would begin executing people for liking humorous images (memes) on the Internet.
“POV: It’s 2030 in Europe and you’re being executed for liking a meme,” Musk said on X, commenting on a report about Durov’s detention.
In a separate post, Musk ironically noted that Durov’s arrest was a “convincing” advertisement for the First Amendment to the US Constitution, which states that the state should not infringe on freedom of speech.
Earlier, French media reported that Durov had been detained at the airport in the Paris suburb of Le Bourget. Durov, who has French citizenship, was on France’s wanted list. He was taken into custody.
According to media reports, the French justice system believes that a number of reasons, including Telegram’s refusal to cooperate with the country’s authorities, make Durov involved in a number of crimes.